Navigating Cybersecurity in Global Health Care Industry

This case study exemplifies how automation in cyber risk management can serve as a game-changer for businesses facing regulatory compliance challenges, particularly when expansion and resource limitations are at play.

Generative AI
January 19, 2024


In the rapidly evolving landscape of cybersecurity, a leading U.S. retailer faced the dual challenges of global expansion and stringent compliance with HIPAA regulations. This case study delves into a transformative moment for the retailer, focusing on the integration of cyber risk automation to navigate these complexities. Budget constraints, limited manpower, and the need for specialized expertise emerged as significant hurdles. However, the Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) emerged as a pivotal figure, skillfully mapping the current state of the business against the requirements to seal the compliance gaps. Furthermore, the risk analysts played a crucial role, swiftly and efficiently conducting an assessment that turned the tide on what appeared to be an overwhelming challenge.

The client, a robust U.S.-based retail entity, embarked on a journey of international`1market penetration. This expansion brought about a pressing need to align with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) regulations, adding a layer of complexity to their operational procedures.


The client, a robust U.S.-based retail entity, embarked on a journey of international`1market penetration. This expansion brought about a pressing need to align with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) regulations, adding a layer of complexity to their operational procedures.


The organization's board of directors mandated a clear understanding of the company's preparedness to meet control compliance requirements, both presently and in the context of future HIPAA obligations. The CISO was tasked with acritical comparison: delineating the company's current security controls against the anticipated demands of HIPAA. The undertaking was daunting; the company had not previously conducted a HIPAA-specific assessment, and no additional operational resources were allocated to bolster the information security department. The manual translation of controls and assessment of their state was not only labor-intensive but fraught with the potential for errors. Moreover, actionable recommendations could only be formulated post-analysis, adding to the time-sensitive pressure.


The solution to the retailer's compliance quandary was multi-faceted and strategic. First, the existing CIS controls were meticulously converted to align with the stringent HIPAA standards, ensuring the retailer's systems met the healthcare industry's privacy and security requirements. To bridge the chasm between the two frameworks, a thorough identification of discrepancies was conducted, highlighting areas needing immediate attention and future-proofing the company's security posture.

The analysis itself was an ambitious endeavor, completed in less than a month—a testament to the efficiency and focus of the team involved. The rapid assessment allowed for the quick formulation of recommendations, which were tailored to significantly reduce the retailer's risk profile. These suggestions were not made haphazardly; they were the product of a FAIR-based risk assessment, leveraging a well-regarded methodology for quantifying and managing information and operational risk with precision.

Lastly, the cornerstone of the solution was the implementation of an automated controls evaluation system. This technology not only expedited the process but also enhanced the accuracy of the control assessments, virtually eliminating the likelihood of human error that plagued the manual methods of the past. This automation was a key driver in the project's success, offering a clear path forward for the retailer to manage its cybersecurity risks in a proactive and efficient manner.